Minimum Wages In USA

What is the Minimum Wage For Student Jobs in USA 2023?

What is the Minimum Wage for Student Jobs in USA: The minimum wage for student jobs in the USA in 2023 is $7.25 per hour. This is the federal minimum wage, which applies to all states except those that have set their own minimum wage. Some states have minimum wages that are higher than the federal minimum wage, so students in those states may be paid more than $7.25 per hour.


The minimum wage is an important issue that has a direct effect on students in the United States who work part-time or during school. This piece talks about the idea of a minimum wage and looks at what it means in 2023. We’ll look at its history, the current wage rate for student jobs, and its effects on students and the economy.

We’ll also talk about the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. We will also talk about the problems that low pay causes for students and look at ways to deal with these problems. Last, we’ll talk about how the cost of living affects the minimum wage and how it varies from state to state. Finally, we’ll talk about how minimum wage laws are likely to change in the future.

What is the Minimum Wage For Student Jobs in USA 2023
What is the Minimum Wage For Student Jobs in USA 2023

Understanding the Concept of Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that a company can legally pay an employee for their work. It is set by the federal and state governments, and its goal is to give workers a base level of pay that protects them from being exploited and living in poverty. The minimum wage policy helps a lot of people, especially students who often have to work part-time jobs to pay for their schooling and living costs.

Read More: What is the Minimum Wage in Canada for Students 2023?

What is the Minimum Wage for Student Jobs in USA 2023?

Here is a list of states with minimum wages that are higher than the federal minimum wage:

  • Alaska: $10.34
  • California: $15.00
  • Colorado: $12.32
  • Connecticut: $14.00
  • District of Columbia: $15.20
  • Florida: $10.00
  • Hawaii: $10.10
  • Massachusetts: $14.25
  • Minnesota: $10.33
  • New Jersey: $13.00
  • New York: $15.00
  • Oregon: $12.75
  • Rhode Island: $11.50
  • Washington: $14.49

It’s important to know that the minimum wage for student jobs may be different from the minimum wage for other types of work. For example, the minimum wage in some states is lower for people who get tips, like waiters in restaurants.

If you are a student looking for a job, you should contact the Department of Labor in your state to find out what the minimum pay is for student jobs in your area. You can also ask your boss about how they handle pay.

Minimum wage by state in 2023

Here is a table of the minimum wage by state in 2023:

StateMinimum Wage (Hourly)
New Hampshire$7.25
New Jersey$13.00
New Mexico$11.97
New York$15.00
North Carolina$7.25
North Dakota$7.25
Rhode Island$11.50
South Carolina$7.25
South Dakota$9.40
West Virginia$8.75

The minimum wage for student learners

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets the base wage for student learners in the United States. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), student learners can be paid 75% of the government minimum wage. As of 2023, this means a student worker can be paid as little as $5.43 per hour.

Student teachers must meet certain requirements before they can get the subminimum wage. They must be in school full-time and work in a job that needs specialized training. The training must be given by the employer, and it must be linked to the student’s educational program.

Employers who want to pay student teachers less than the minimum wage must apply to the U.S. Department of Labor for a certificate. The amount that the student learner can be paid will be written on the award.

It’s important to know that in some places, the minimum wage for students may be different. Some states may have their own rules that give students a higher minimum wage. The best way to find out the exact minimum pay for student learners in your area is to check with your state’s Department of Labor.

Here are some more things to think about when it comes to the minimum pay for student learners:

  • Students who are going to school full-time are the only ones who can get subminimum pay.
  • The student learner must be working in a job that needs specialized training.
  • The training must be given by the employer, and it must be linked to the student’s educational program.
  • Employers who want to pay students less than the minimum wage must get a license from the U.S. Department of Labor.

If you are a student learner who is interested in working, it is important to check with your state’s Department of Labor to find out the specific requirements for working in your area and how to apply for a certificate.

The minimum wage for disabled people

In the U.S., the minimum wage set by the government is $7.25 per hour. But the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) lets companies pay workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage if they can show that the worker’s disability makes it impossible for them to earn the minimum wage. It’s called the “subminimum wage.”

There is no set amount for the subminimum pay. It depends on how well the worker does his or her job and how much other companies pay their workers for similar work. The subminimum wage can be as low as $1.25 per hour, but it can’t be less than the government minimum wage.

For workers with disabilities to be able to get the subminimum wage, they must meet certain standards. Even with acceptable accommodations, they must be able to do the most important parts of the job. A subminimum wage must also be given to them for at least 90 days.

Employers who want to pay workers with disabilities less than the minimum wage must apply to the U.S. Department of Labor for a license. The amount the worker can be paid will be written on the license.

There are different opinions about the subminimum wage. Some people think it’s unfair to pay disabled workers less than the minimum wage. Others think that it is important to give these people a chance to work.

There are a number of groups that fight for the rights of people with disabilities who work. These groups say that the subminimum wage is unfair and keeps people with disabilities from making enough money to live on. They also say that the subminimum wage can lead to people with disabilities being taken advantage of.

The subminimum wage is a complicated problem with no simple solutions. Before deciding whether or not the subminimum wage is fair, it is important to think about its pros and cons.

People Also Ask

  • What is the federal minimum wage for student jobs in the USA in 2023?

    In the United States, the government minimum wage for student jobs in 2023 is $7.25 an hour. This is the minimum wage for all workers in the United States, no matter how old they are or if they are in school.

  • What is the minimum wage for student jobs in my state?

    Your state may have a higher minimum wage for student jobs than the federal minimum pay. You can find out the exact minimum wage for student jobs in your area by calling the Department of Labor in your state.

  • Can I be paid less than the minimum wage if I am a student?

    There are a few ways that student jobs don’t have to pay the minimum wage. For instance, a student learner may be paid 75% of the government minimum wage, which is called a “subminimum wage.” But these are rare, and most jobs for students must pay at least the minimum wage.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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