Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students Latest Opportunities

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students Latest Opportunities: According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* for the academic year 2023 in order to foster international cultural, scientific, and technological cooperation, promote Italian language and culture, and support Italy’s economic system in the world.

Grants are available to pursue study, training, and/or research programs at public and legally recognized Italian higher education institutes.

Why Choose Italy for Higher Education?

Some of the oldest and best colleges in the world are in Italy. From the historic University of Bologna to the cutting-edge Politecnico di Milano, Italy has a lot of choices for schools. Students can learn more about arts, humanities, tech, fashion, design, and many other topics. Also, Italy is a great place for students who want to have a rich cultural experience because it is friendly and full of life.

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students Latest Opportunities
Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students Latest Opportunities

Types of Italian Government Scholarships

Merit-Based Scholarships

Scholarships based on merit are given to excellent students who have done well in school. These scholarships reward students for their hard work and dedication and encourage them to keep getting better in their areas.

Need-Based Scholarships

The goal of need-based scholarships is to help students who have trouble paying for school but have a lot of promise. These scholarships make sure that all worthy students, no matter how much money they have, can get a good education.

Research Scholarships

Italy is a place where a lot of cutting-edge research is done, and research scholarships allow foreign students to help with cutting-edge research in many fields. Most of the time, these scholarships involve working with top Italian experts and institutions.

Scholarships for Art and Music Students

Many students of art, fashion, and music go to Italy because of its artistic history. Scholarships in these areas help young people develop their skills and keep Italy’s cultural history alive.

Read More: Latest Padua International Excellence Scholarship Program in Italy

Italian Language Scholarships

The Italian government gives grants to people who want to learn or improve their Italian language skills. These classes help students get ready for academic studies in Italian and help them learn more about other cultures.

Sports Scholarships

Italy supports students who are very good at sports to go to school and work toward their goals while still playing sports. Students can find a good mix between their love of sports and their schoolwork with the help of sports scholarships.

Government Scholarships by Country

Italy works with a number of other countries to promote foreign education cooperation. Through bilateral deals, the government of Italy gives scholarships to students from partner countries. This helps students from both countries learn more about each other and share their knowledge.

Eligibility Criteria

Details About Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students Latest Opportunities

Institutional Host

Institutes of Higher Learning in Italy

Eligible Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° Ciclo), Arts, Music, and Dance Courses (AFAM), PhD programme, Research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela), and Italian Language and Culture Courses

Group to target:

Foreign students from eligible countries

Scholarship amount and duration:

Tuition Charges

Depending on the policy of each university, grantees may be exempt from paying enrollment and tuition fees. Courses in the Italian language and culture that require enrollment fees are not exempt.

Medical and Health Insurance

MAECI will provide grantees with health and medical/accident insurance for the duration of the grant. Pre-existing physical and pathological conditions will not be covered under insurance.

Financial Grant 

Grantees will receive a monthly allowance of 900 Euros paid quarterly to their Italian bank account.

Depending on the course, the scholarship can last six or nine months. Renewals are only granted to applicants who demonstrate satisfactory academic progress.


Academic credentials

Only foreign students not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* with an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll in an Italian university/institute may apply. More information can be found at this link.

Age restrictions

With the exception of renewals, applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/Italian Language and Culture Courses should not be more than 28 years old and 364 days by the deadline.

With the exception of renewals, applicants for Ph.D. programs should not be older than 30 years and 364 days at the time of application.

Applicants for Research Projects under Academic Supervision must be under the age of 40 and have completed 364 days by the deadline.

Language abilities and knowledge

Applicants must provide a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language in order to enroll in an Italian-taught course. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the minimum required level is B2 (CEFR). Candidates who have taken an Italian-taught course at the University may submit a language certification issued by a University department’s language teacher.

Applicants must provide a language certificate demonstrating their proficiency in English in order to enroll in an English-taught course. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the minimum required level is B2 (CEFR). For candidates from countries where English is an official language and who are applying for courses taught entirely in English, self-certification may be accepted. Proof of Italian proficiency is not required for courses taught entirely in English.

Applicants for Italian language and culture courses must provide a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language. Within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the minimum required level is A2.

There is no requirement for proof of language proficiency for Ph.D. programs and research projects under academic supervision.

Life as an International Student in Italy

Studying in Italy is more than just going to classes and reading books. It’s a whole journey that includes daily life and being immersed in the culture.

Cultural Experience and Language

Learn about the history, traditions, and way of life in Italy. Getting to know the locals and going to cultural events will help you learn the language and add to your experience. You can also get along better in everyday life if you learn a few simple Italian words.

Cost of Living and Budgeting

Even though Italy has good schools, it’s important to be smart with your money. Find out how much it costs to live in different places and make a budget that works for you. Look for cheap places to stay and see if there are any student deals.

Exploring Italy: Travel and Leisure

Italy’s varied landscapes and long past make it a great place to explore. Use weekends and breaks to travel around Italy and see how beautiful its towns, countryside, and coast are.

Student Support Services

Most Italian universities have support services just for foreign students. Some of these services are academic counselors, help with finding a job, and help with administrative tasks. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Internship and Job Opportunities

Strong businesses in Italy, like fashion, design, engineering, and tourism, give international students the chance to get internships and jobs. Use career centers and networking events to find out about different career routes.


Getting a government scholarship to study in Italy opens the door to a rich educational journey full of cultural experiences and academic success. Students from all over the world can follow their dreams and shape their futures in one of Europe’s most interesting countries. They can do this with the help of different types of scholarships and top-notch universities.

Application Instructions:

People Also Ask

  • How do I apply for a government scholarship in Italy?

    How do I apply for government scholarships in Italy? Applications must only be submitted through the STUDY IN ITALY portal. Applicants must have a valid passport or identification card. It is not necessary to apply to each university separately.

  • Is it possible to get a scholarship in Italy for an international student?

    For the academic year 2023-2024, more than 800 scholarships are available at Italy’s top universities for international students. These scholarships provide an average monthly stipend of $2500, as well as tuition, housing, health insurance, and travel expenses.

  • Is it difficult to obtain a scholarship in Italy?

    A. Obtaining a scholarship in Italy is not difficult. Scholarships are awarded based on your previous educational background, IELTS/TOEFL score, and entrance exam score. The Italian government provides many scholarships to international students in order to encourage them to pursue higher education in Italy.

  • Are Italian government scholarships available for undergraduate programs?

    Yes, there are scholarships from the Italian government for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies in a wide range of fields.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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