Canadian Humber International Entrance Scholarships 2024

International students are eligible for the fully funded Humber College Entrance Scholarship. This award is only available for undergraduate and graduate studies. In January, one full tuition scholarship and one $5,000 scholarship are available. In September, seven $5,000 scholarships and two $3,000 scholarships will be available.

Over 3,000 international students from over 130 countries choose Humber College in Toronto, Canada, as their destination for higher education. Humber has the reputation of being one of the most diverse, comprehensive, and exciting colleges in Canada, a leader in postsecondary education that offers something for everyone.

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Details About Canadian Humber International Entrance Scholarships

  • These scholarships are offered as a discount on tuition fees at the time of admission based on the applicant’s sustained academic performance, community involvement, referee/reference letters, and statement of interest. The scholarships are distributed annually across the three academic semesters: winter (January-April), summer (May-August), and fall (September-December).
  • Humber is committed to assisting students in completing their programs, particularly in financial matters. For this reason, Humber offers a variety of scholarships for international students, ranging from $1,000 one-time awards to full tuition fee scholarships.
  • On the two main campuses in Toronto, more than 29,000 full-time students, including 3,800 international students from 100+ countries, are pursuing bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, and postgraduate certificates in 180 programs. In addition, over 23,000 part-time students choose Humber for ESL programs, short-term certificates, and online education, among other options.

Scholarship Summary

  • Undergraduate and graduate studies are offered at Humber College in Toronto.
  • Research in: Canada
  • Date limit: Varies based on the program

Scholarship Coverage

Humber International Entrance Scholarships offer the following benefits to their recipients:

  • In January, one full tuition scholarship and one $5,000 scholarship are available. In September, seven $5,000 scholarships and two $3,000 scholarships will be available. The scholarships will be applied to the recipient’s tuition.
  • The scholarships can be used more than once, but the student must keep at least a 75% GPA to be eligible. 

Benefits of Canadian Humber International Entrance Scholarships

  • Financial Aid: The scholarships assist international students in defraying the expenses associated with education, including tuition fees and other related costs. This may increase the accessibility and affordability of higher education in Canada for students of all backgrounds.
  • Merit-Based Recognition: Scholarships are granted on the basis of academic merit, which serves as an acknowledgment of the accomplishments and potential of exceptional students. Such recognition has the potential to inspire and motivate students to achieve academic excellence.
  • Reduced Financial Burden: Scholarships provide international students with the means to alleviate financial concerns and reduce the burden associated with financing their education abroad. This enables them to allocate greater attention to their academic pursuits and extracurricular engagements, liberated from the pressures of financial limitations.
  • Enhanced Career Prospects: The receipt of a prestigious scholarship such as the Humber International Entrance Scholarship can augment the credentials of graduates, thereby enhancing their marketability and competitiveness in the employment sector. Frequently, employers place a premium on applicants who have exhibited exceptional academic performance and garnered acknowledgment for their accomplishments.
  • Access to Educational Resources: Scholarship recipients may be granted access to supplementary educational resources and support services provided by the granting university. These may include mentorship programs, academic advising, and career counseling. These resources may provide additional assistance in the academic and personal growth of students.
  • Opportunities for Networking: Scholarships frequently afford students the chance to establish connections with faculty members, alumni, and other accomplished peers via academic gatherings, seminars, and networking events. Establishing a robust professional network can provide access to prospective collaborations, apprenticeships, and career prospects.
  • Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Scholarship-receiving international students make a significant contribution to the internationalization and cultural diversity of the university community. Engaging in dialogue with peers who come from various cultural and ethnic contexts enhances the scholastic and social lives of every student while cultivating a global outlook.
  • Support for Academic Goals: Scholarship beneficiaries may potentially receive supplementary encouragement and support from university faculty and staff in their endeavors to achieve their academic and professional aspirations. This assistance may consist of research opportunities, academic guidance, and graduate school application support.
  • Prestige and Recognition: Scholarships from reputable institutions, such as Humber College, have the potential to augment the academic standing and recognition of recipients among their peers and colleagues in the academic and professional communities. This showcases their dedication to scholastic distinction and establishes them as frontrunners in their discipline.
  • Investing in Future Leaders: Scholarships symbolize a financial commitment towards enhancing the knowledge and capabilities of aspiring innovators, change agents, and future leaders. Humber College fosters the growth of a worldwide academic community comprised of visionaries capable of effecting significant change in their respective disciplines and in society at large through its aid of gifted international students.

Eligibility Criteria for Humber International Entrance Scholarships

To qualify for Humber International Entrance Scholarships, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Language required: English
  • Applicants must satisfy the English language requirements of Humber College.
  • All countries in the world are eligible.
  • Non-transfer students coming directly from high school or secondary school studies are eligible for bachelor’s degree scholarships.
  • Applications will be evaluated based on academics, community involvement, letters of recommendation, and an interesting statement.
How to Apply
How to Apply

How to Apply for Humber International Entrance Scholarships?

Please follow the steps below to apply for Humber International Entrance Scholarships:

  • You must first apply for admission before submitting a scholarship application.
  • The scholarship application will be included with your acceptance materials.
  • Additionally, you must provide personal information.
  • Academic Resources.
  • English Capability.


Apply on the government website:

More Info

  1. Does Humber give scholarships?

    Humber offers hundreds of different types of scholarships recognizing academic achievement, community involvement, leadership, volunteer services, and, in some cases, financial need.

  2. How much is the Humber College Canada application fee for international students?

    Once we receive the completed application, a $100 CAD non-refundable application fee payment, and all necessary documents, we will process the applications.

  3. What is an international undergraduate entrance scholarship in Canada?

    UBC awards International Major Entrance Scholarships (IMES) to exceptional international students entering undergraduate programs. Students receive their IMES when they enter their first year at UBC, and the scholarships are renewable for up to three additional years of study.

Alia khan

Alia Khan is a well-known scholar and scholarship tutor who has obtained five government scholarships from Turkey, China, Portugal, the United States, and Canada. Students can seek his assistance and counsel when applying for scholarships. His academic pieces, as well as those on related themes like immigration and jobs, provide young pupils with the tools they need to thrive in life.

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