Foreign JobsGovt Jobs 2025

Latest FPSC Lecturer Government Jobs 2025

FPSC Lecturer Jobs Notification, Land FPSC Lecturer Posts 2025 Advertisement No. 12/2025 Apply Online Validated on 30th DEC 2025 Today the FPSC monthly advertisement announced the following federal government jobs listing the vacancies in various divisions. Airport Security Force, Pakistan Railways, National Highways and Motorway Police, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Education, Anti-Narcotics Force, Naval Headquarters, AFICNIHD, Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging, F.GEI (Cantt/Garrison), etc. On).

Read More: Latest Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board Jobs in Lahore for 2025

Presently FPSC Lecturer jobs are advertised for Pakistani nationals with Masters/Bachelors degree from HEC recognized college named in accompanying vacancies (Medical Officer, Dentist, Assistant Controller of Stores/Purchase, Computer Operator, Lecturer Female), Inspector, Librarian, Baker, Chief Cardiac Perfusionist, General Staff Officer, Grade-1 (Classified Radiologist), Associate Professor (Computer Science), etc.


In Pakistan, where government jobs are always changing, the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) continues to be a key player in hiring highly skilled people for different positions. As we move into the year 2025, people who want to get jobs and people who are looking for jobs are eagerly waiting for the latest FPSC Lecturer Government Jobs. This piece will tell you everything you need to know about the FPSC Lecturer positions, including how to apply, who is eligible, and why these jobs are seen as some of the best in the government sector.

Understanding FPSC Lecturer Positions

FPSC: The Gatekeeper of Meritocracy

The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) is the most important organization in Pakistan. Its job is to hold exams and choose people for public service jobs. The Constitution of Pakistan put the FPSC in place, and it is a key part of making sure that government hiring is based on ability.

The Role of an FPSC Lecturer

FPSC Lecturers are teachers who are hired by the government to work in schools and colleges. They are in charge of passing on information and shaping the minds of people who will come after them. These jobs are very prestigious and offer a lot of perks and rewards.

Announcement Details of FPSC Lecturer Jobs

Requirements for FPSC Jobs

  1. All FPSC Jobs Ph.D. / MBBS / Masters / Bachelor’s in the relevant discipline from HEC recognized university is required to apply.
  2. Relevant skills are compulsory for every vacant post.
  3. The age of the applicant should be between 20 to 40 years.

ASF Jobs List:

  1. Medical Officer
  2. Dentist

Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Jobs List:

  1. Lecturer (Female)

Pakistan Railway Jobs List:

  1. Assistant Controller of Stores / Purchase

Naval Headquarters Jobs List:

  1. Librarian

National Highways & Motorway Police Jobs List:

  1. Computer Operator

Anti Narcotics Force Jobs List:

  1. Inspector

How to Apply for FPSC Jobs 2025:

  • Applicants can apply online.
  • However, competitors who do not approach the web offices are allowed to submit their applications to the Secretary, FPSC, on plain paper along with the required data and affidavits.
  • The last date for lodging the application is 31 Dec 2025.
  • Up and comers need to deposit test expenses of Rs. 300/ – For BS-16 & 17, Rs. 750/ – For BS-18, Rs. 1200/ – for BS-19, and Rs. 1500/ – for BS-20 and above, you will need to enter the store slip number in the web-based application structure or link the first store slip to the application structure for those who will submit their application through post. Should.
  • The test/interview plan is referred to in the image posted below and aspirants need to follow the timetable for successful registration.
  • Competitors must bring unique archives to the meeting.


FPSC Lecturer Government Jobs for 2025 are a great opportunity for people who want to make a real difference in the education field while also having a secure job and good perks. Candidates who want to run should start preparing early and focus on both their subject knowledge and their general skills.

If you want to become an FPSC Lecturer and help the intellectual growth of the country, start your trip today by studying hard and keeping up with the latest changes in education and government policy.

Who can apply to the FPSC?

For FPSC MPT MCQ Test, candidates must have completed their Bachelor’s Degree or Graduation and must be between 21 to 30 years of age. The cut-off date for determining the eligibility of the candidate in terms of age, qualification, and domicile

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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