
ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship in Switzerland – Fully Funded

People can apply for the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 in Switzerland. The ETH gives out the fellowship. International applicants from anywhere in the world can apply for this fully paid fellowship if they have done a great job. The costs will be taken care of by ETH Zurich. The grant is only for people in the PostDoc program.

It is also called the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. ETH Zurich is a well-known public research university in Zurich, Switzerland. ETH Zurich is always ranked as one of the best colleges in the world. It is known for doing great work in study, teaching, and coming up with new ideas. Many international rankings regularly name ETH Zurich as one of the best science, engineering, and technology schools in the world.

ETH Zurich has many undergraduate and graduate studies in many areas, such as engineering, architecture, computer science, math, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. The university works on giving students a solid theoretical background along with opportunities for research and real-world application. ETH Zurich has a diverse group of students, researchers, and staff members from all over the world.

Details of ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship in Switzerland – Fully Funded

Offered by:ETH Zurich
Degree level:Postdoctoral Fellowship
Fellowship coverage:Fully Funded
Eligible nationality:All Nationalities
Award country:Switzerland
Last Date:1 September 2024

Financial Benefits

The following are some ways that the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 in Switzerland will help you:

  • A yearly salary of CHF 105,000 will be given.
  • Each fellow will get 10,000 Swiss francs a year to help pay for their study.
  • Fellows will get money to help them travel and move around.
  • This grant will cover any extra costs that come up.
  • Fellows will be able to work with well-known teachers and researchers from all over the world.
  • Fellows will have access to some of the best labs in the world.
  • Fellows will have the chance to travel around Switzerland.

Documents Required:

  • Reference Letter
  • Certificate of Defense
  • Motivation letter
  • Host Professor’s CV
  • A copy of the passport
  • Research Project Explanation

Read Also: EPFL Excellence Fellowships in Switzerland – Fully Funded

Eligibility Criteria

The ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 in Switzerland will be given to people who meet the following requirements:

  • It is necessary for students to have earned their PhD at a school other than the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich.
  • People who want to get their PhD but haven’t defended their thesis yet need to show a certificate signed by their professor or department chair.
  • Applicants shouldn’t have lived, worked, or studied in Switzerland for twelve months or more in the three years before the application date.
  • In the three years before applying, candidates could not have worked full-time or gone to school full-time for more than six months at ETH Zurich or the College of Zurich.
  • Application must include at least one academic article in a journal that has peer review.
  • Applicants who are qualified but don’t meet these

How to Apply

More Info


International applicants can get full funding for the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024, which gives them the chance to work with famous researchers, use top-notch facilities, and get financial help. Those who are qualified can apply by sending in the necessary paperwork before the deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024?

    The ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 gives foreign applicants the chance to do postdoctoral research at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, with access to top labs and the chance to work with well-known researchers.

  2. Who is eligible for the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship?

    To be eligible, you must have a PhD from a school other than ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich. You also cannot have lived in Switzerland for more than twelve months in the last three years and must meet the publication and academic requirements listed in the application rules.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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