DAAD Study Scholarships for Master Studies in Germany – Fully Funded

This is the time to apply for the DAAD Study Scholarships for Master Studies 2025 in Germany. It is one of the most famous scholarships that pays for international students to get their Master’s degree in Germany. The title of the grant is “Study Scholarships – Master Studies for All Academia.” It is the German Federal Foreign Office that pays for the grants. This scholarship pays for a monthly stipend, insurance, a travel allowance, and an annual study account. In some cases, it also pays for your rent and gives you money for your family.

Every year, the DAAD helps more than 100,000 students and experts from all over the world. There are 2.8 million students in Germany, and 458,210 of them are from outside of Germany. Germany is a hub for students from other countries. You don’t have to pay to go to most state universities. DAAD also gives out the EPOS Scholarship, the Helmut Schmidt Scholarship, and the MIDE Scholarship, all of which are fully funded. From 10 to 24 months is how long the scholarship lasts. Read on to learn more about the DAAD Study Scholarships for Master’s Degrees and how to apply.

Details About DAAD Study Scholarships for Master Studies

  • Host Country: Germany
  • Funded by: German Federal Foreign Office
  • Degree Level: Master
  • Fields of study: All Disciplines
  • Funded for: A full Master’s or Postgraduate degree program finished at a German state university or university recognized by the government.

What is DAAD?

We call it DAAD, which stands for the German Academic Exchange Service. If you want to learn or do research in Germany, this is the biggest organization in the world that will pay for you to do so.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Monthly stipend of 934 Euros.
  • A study allowance of 460 Euros.
  • Health insurance, accident insurance, and personal liability insurance.
  • Amount of money to cover the journey from your home country to Germany.
  • Providing help with the monthly rent for housing (under certain terms).
  • Possible monthly payment for family members traveling with you (under some conditions).
  • The fee for the German class has been paid.
  • Money back for language tests.

Keep in mind that DAAD does not pay for school. Even though Germany doesn’t usually charge for education. Look up “List of Free Universities in Germany” on Google.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students from other countries can apply.
  • Those who want to apply must have their first degree (like a Bachelor’s or a Diploma) before school starts.
  • Usually, the grant starts in October 2025.
  • The grant is open to all fields of study. There are several scholarship opportunities available from the DAAD for people who work in architecture and the arts.
  • Architecture
  • Fine Art/Design/Film
  • Performing Art
  • Music

Read Also: KAAD Scholarships for International Students in Germany

Selection Criteria

  • Academic Qualification
  • Academic achievements
  • School leaving certificate, if applicable
  • Course of studies
  • Knowledge of the language(s) of instruction or working language(s)
  • If applicable, relevant internships, and work experience.

How to Apply

Applicants can choose the country where they are from to learn more about the application process and the papers that are needed. Also, each country has a different due date. The link to the main page is shown below.

More Info


The DAAD Study Scholarships for Master Studies 2025 in Germany are a great chance for foreign students to get full financial aid while earning their Master’s degrees. This scholarship program gives students the chance to go to one of the best schools in the world and get a monthly stipend, insurance, a travel fund, and more. Those who are interested should carefully read over the requirements for qualifying and the selection process, and make sure they send in their applications on time. This scholarship encourages not only academic success but also cultural exchange, which adds to the knowledge and creativity of everyone around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the DAAD Study Scholarship for Master’s Studies?

    The DAAD Study Scholarship for Master Studies is a prestigious program paid for by the German Federal Foreign Office that helps foreign students get Master’s degrees in Germany by paying for their whole education.

  • Who is eligible to apply for the DAAD Study Scholarship?

    Students from outside of the United States who have a first degree (like a Bachelor’s or a Diploma) and plan to start school in October 2025 are qualified. The scholarship is open to people from all fields, but design and arts students have extra chances to apply.

David Thomas

it is our pleasure to have David Thomas on our Guest Authors list. He is a top educationist and a renowned researcher with major publications in his field of interest. David Thomas won a total of 7 fully-funded scholarships to complete his academic career and also won numerous fundings for attending international academic conferences.

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